患儿女,11 d,以“发现右小腿肿胀1 d”入院。第1胎第1产,母孕38周顺产,评分好,出生体重2 490 g。生后母婴同室,3 d后出院。入院前1 d家长发现患儿右小腿局部肿胀,无皮肤发红、压痛、溃破。患儿右小腿无外伤、碰撞
Children with children, 11 d, to “find the right leg swelling 1 d ” admission. The first birth of the first child, 38 births of mother’s pregnancy, good marks, birth weight 2 490 g. Mother and child after birth with the same room, 3 d after discharge. On the first day before admission, the parents found that the children had local swelling of the right lower leg, no skin redness, tenderness and ulceration. Children without injury to the right leg, collision