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目的:观察宽叶缬草对家兔心率和血压的影响。方法:记录Ⅱ导联心电图观察心率和心电图波型的变化,左颈总动脉插管记录家兔的动脉血压。结果:应用宽叶缬草后,心率降低,心电图ST段和T波持续时间延长,血压降低,以舒张压降低为主,此作用呈剂量依赖性,其可降低肾上腺素引起的心率加快和血压升高作用。结论:宽叶缬草能降低家兔的心率和血压。 Objective: To observe the effects of Valeriana officinalis on heart rate and blood pressure in rabbits. METHODS: The II-lead electrocardiogram was used to observe changes in heart rate and electrocardiogram waveforms. The left common carotid artery was cannulated to record arterial blood pressure in rabbits. RESULTS: After the application of broadleaf weeds, the heart rate decreased, the duration of ST segment and T wave of electrocardiogram was prolonged, blood pressure decreased, and the diastolic blood pressure decreased. This effect was dose-dependent, which could reduce the adrenal heart rate acceleration and blood pressure. Raise the effect. Conclusion: Valeriana can reduce heart rate and blood pressure in rabbits.
开年之始,印度文化部、印度驻广州总领事馆、印度国家现代美术馆带来了“眼睛与思想:印度艺术新的介入”展在广东美术馆展出。本次展览由印度国家现代美术馆现任馆长瑞杰夫·卢臣担任策展人。  展览整体作品以架上绘画及摄影为多,作品主题各异,虽然企图以“眼睛与思想”这种常规的宏观定义概括所有的作品,但是观看过后,会发现关于印度现代艺术与西方现当代艺术的纠结与演进成为了展览中另一条重要的线索。其实这并不是刻意为