眼结膜鳞状细胞癌是一种比较常见的结膜恶性肿瘤,它很少通过淋巴转移,有之亦多发生在晚期,血行转移尤为罕见。我科曾收治1例眼结膜鳞状细胞癌转移至腮腺,误诊为腮腺组织炎症,而失去了手术治疗时机,教训深刻。现报告如下: 患者陈××,男,37岁。住院号206683。1986年11月发现右眼球痛,头痛,视物不清,眼红肿,于1987年3月来我院就诊,在门诊取活检,病理报告为“右眼结膜分化性鳞癌”,遂收入院。于1987年4月
Conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma of the eye is a common malignant tumor of the conjunctiva. It rarely passes lymphatic metastasis, and many cases also occur late. Blood metastasis is especially rare. In our department, 1 case of conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma was transferred to the parotid gland. It was misdiagnosed as parotid tissue inflammation and lost the opportunity of surgical treatment. The report is as follows: Patient Chen X, male, 37 years old. Hospital No. 206683. In November 1986, right eyeball pain, headache, unclear vision and red eyes were found. He was admitted to our hospital in March 1987. A biopsy was performed at the outpatient clinic. His pathological report was “Right eye conjunctival differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.” , 遂 income of the hospital. In April 1987