
来源 :中国体卫艺教育论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maomao1t
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1.投篮方法分类当今投篮的动作方法很多,按照持球的方法不同,可分为双手投篮和单手投篮两大类。在这两类投篮中,根据投篮前球置于身体的不同部位,可分为胸前、肩上、头上等各种动作方法;按照运动员投篮时移动的形 1. Shooting Methods There are many ways to shoot the current action, according to the ball holding method is different, can be divided into two hands shot and one-handed shooting two categories. In these two types of shots, according to the ball before the ball placed in different parts of the body, can be divided into chest, shoulders, head and other methods of action; in accordance with the movement of athletes shooting shape
暑假的某一天,已经毕业的学生魏小婷让我赶紧到班级的群里看一看。原来,是孩子们在群里征集“晓琳语录”。看完,我大笑,亏他们有此点子,还有这么好的记忆力。孩子们你一言他我一语地将我在班级讲过的“经典之语”罗列了几十条。这些话,部分是我的原创,部分是我引用别人的,让我回忆起“语录”背后的动人故事。  【第一组】提供“强大心脏”  “别让我担心你掉到河里喊‘救命’都没人听见!”  “厚脸皮也是优点!”