陈××男 14岁学生患者于一九八四年八月九日晨捕捉蟾蜍用蟾蜍夹收集蟾蜍耳后腺内自液时,不慎溅入右眼。当即右眼剧痛、怕光、流泪、视物不清。一小时后,送入我科急诊。体格检查:急性痛苦面容,神志清,除口唇轻度青紫外,余未见异常。眼部检查:右眼视力0.1,球结膜轻度水肿,角膜周围混合性充血(+),角膜10点—2点水平线以下呈雾状混浊,尤以脸裂部明显,淡光素染色呈点条状着色,前房清,虹膜纹理清瞳孔轻度散大,对光反应灵敏,眼底看不清。左眼正常。立即用大量生理盐水反复冲洗结膜囊,结膜表面麻醉后,结膜下注射地赛米松
Chen × × Male 14-Year-Old Student Catching Toads in the Early Morning of August 9, 1984 Inadapter splashes into the right eye while collecting autologous glands of the toad’s ear with a toad. Immediate right eye pain, fear of light, tears, blurred vision. An hour later, into our emergency department. Physical examination: acute painful face, clear mind, in addition to mild blue lips, I no abnormalities. Eye examination: right eye 0.1, conjunctival mild edema, conjunctival hyperemia (+), the cornea below the level of 10 -2 point was cloudy, especially in the face cleft significantly pale stained light spots Striped coloring, anterior chamber clear, iris texture Qing pupil slightly scattered, sensitive to light, the fundus can not see clearly. Left eye is normal. Immediately rinse the conjunctival sac with plenty of saline. After the conjunctival surface is anesthetized, inject the subconjunctival dexamethasone