A Comparison Between the Communicative Language Teaching and Audiolingual Method

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  【Abstract】:The communicative language teaching gained popularity in Europe in the 1970’s, Compared with that, the audiolingual method seems to be an “old” one. In the author’s perspective, each of them has its own advantages and features, and contributions to the teaching. This paper is to make an introduction to the communicative language teaching approach and the audiolingual method by a comparison of the two methods.
  【Key words】: the communicative language teaching the audiolingual method  comparison
  I A Brief Introduction of the Two Methods
  1.1  A brief introduction of audio-lingual approach
  The audio-lingual method emphasizes the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing. It uses dialogues as the main form of language presentation and drills as the main training techniques. Mother tongue is discouraged in the classroom. It is based on behaviorist theory. Despite being discredited as an effective teaching methodology, audio-lingualism continues to be used today.
  1.2  A brief introduction of the communicative language teaching
  Communicative language teaching is “an approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language”. It also places great emphasis on helping students use the target language in a variety of contexts and places great emphasis on learning language functions.
  II The Comparison of the Two Methods
  The audio-lingual method and the communicative language teaching approach are both significant language teaching approaches and both of them have made great contributions in the language teaching field. In the following part, this paper is to introduce the major distinctions between the two methods.
  2.1 Background
  2.1.1 The background of the audio-lingual method
  The Audio-lingual method is the product of the historical circumstances. The entry of the United States into World War II had a significant effect on language teaching in America. In 1942, the government established the Army Specialized Training Program and commissioned the American universities to develop foreign language programs for military personnel and fifty-five universities were involved in the program. Because of the influence of the military, early versions of the audiolingualism came to be known as the “army method.”
  2.1.2 The background of the communicative language teaching   Historically, the communicative language teaching (CLT) has been seen as a response to the audio-lingual method (ALM). Like the ALT, the CLT is the product of the historical circumstances. With the increasing interdependence of European countries, there was a great need to teach the adults the major languages of the European Common Market and the Council of Europe. Some linguists promoted the development of the communicative language teaching.
  Hence, CLT and ALM are both the product of the historical circumstances.
  2.2 Approach
  2.2.1 Audiolingual method
  The theory of language underlying Audiolingualism was derived from structural linguistics with Bloomfield and Fries as its representatives. Structural linguistics regards language as a system of structurally related elements for the expression of meaning. These elements are phonemes, morphemes, words, structures, and sentence types. The grammatical system consists of a list of grammatical elements and rules for their linear combination into words, phrases, phrases and sentences.
  2.2.2 Communicative Language Teaching
  Unlike the audiolingual method, little has been written about learning theory of the communicative language teaching. And some theorists who are not directly associated with Communicative Language Teaching have developed some theories related to the principles of the CLT.  According to Krashen, acquisition of language is a subconscious process of which the individual is not aware. Learning, on the other hand, is a conscious process, much like what one experiences in school and according to Krashen, is less effective than acquisition.
  2.3 A comparison of them from a learning and acquisition perspective
  Audiolingualism treats language learning as habit formation. Learning begins with listening and speaking, and production proceeds from repetition to substitution until responses are automatic. Communicative language teaching encourages learners to use whatever knowledge they have of the target language.
  Compared with the ALM, CLT deem tha language skills are taught integratedly rather than separately and imitation and repetition do not account for creative language use. Classroom language use is dependent on the roles of the participants, the situation and the goal of the interaction. In the beginning stages, formal accuracy is not required nor expected and fluency is emphasized over accuracy. And the ultimate goal is the development of the implicit second language system.
  III Conclusion
  Despite being discredited as an effective teaching methodology in 1970s, ALT continues to be used today. Today CLT continues in its classic form as seen in the huge range of course books. On the author’s part, any language teaching approach has its own advantages and disadvantages. The “old” approach is not completely out of date, and a “new” approach is not definitely up to date and appropriate. There are some distinctions between the audiolingual method and the communicative language teaching.
  [1]Littlewood, Willian, Communictive Language Teaching. Cambridge, London,1981.
  [2]Ellis, Rod. Second Language Acquisition. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1997.
  [3]Brown, H. Douglas. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Prentice Hall, 1994.
  [4]顧伟勤. Input, Interaction and the Second Langue Learner. Shanghai: Shanghai foreign language education press, 2008.
【摘要】:恋爱婚姻是人生的大事,是青年男女身心关注的焦点,军人也一样。渴望美好的爱情,建立幸福的家庭,是广大官兵特别是大龄未婚官兵的不懈追求,然而由于军人职业的特殊性,很多情况下军人婚恋总会遭遇机会缺乏、沟通困难、交流不畅、纪律约束等因素困惑。本文使用质化研究的方法,选取五名具有代表性的被试,分析了军人婚恋的现状与问题,并提出了关于处理婚恋问题的意见。  【关键词】:质化研究;军人;婚恋  1、前
【摘要】:在我国文化事业的发展过程中,基层文化建设占有相当重要的地位。我国目前正处在一个非常重要的发展时期。基层工作与国家的发展和进步直接相关,惠民问题也是社会进步的制约因素。近年来,基层文化建设也有了较大的发展。群众开展文化活动的内容、形式、场地有了很大的改变。但是,基层文化建设过程中依然存在着很多问题。本文主要分析了基层文化建设与文化惠民的问题,并就这些问题提出了相应的解决措施。  【关键词】
【摘要】:时下的当代艺术,似乎在艺术的极端表达与受众的传统认知中挣扎。人们尚未完全消化现代艺术所传递的图式信息,醉心于自我诠释的后现代艺术家们又将艺术观念和艺术载体关系再次否定。前卫文化不断快速蜕变,使得人们熟稔的习惯和观念,被狡黠抑或旁若无人地摧毁与重建,直接引发基于非物质的艺术观念的转向,艺术创作有意无意地成为对于物象常规认同的艰涩附着。  【关键词】:艺术;前卫;文化;发展;非物质;现代  
【摘要】:本文试在了解结构主义语言学理论后,综述结构主义视域下的汉语语法、语音和词汇研究,以期探索出结构主义语言学对汉语研究的影响。一来能够丰富自身学科知识,二来希望认识中外语言学的发展脉络,了解西方语言学的先进所在,感受中国语言学发展的”求索”之路。  【关键词】:结构主义;语言学;现代语言学;索绪尔  縱观世界语言学之发展,其脉络清晰明确。从19世纪盛行的历史比较语言学,到20世纪初由索绪尔发
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【摘要】:本文先從乡镇群众文化的重要性谈起,然后介绍乡镇群众文化的基本情况以及存在的问题和原因,最后针对目前存在的问题和未来的发展,提出相应的思考和对策。  【关键词】:群众文化;现状;发展;对策  人民群众是文化发展的基础,是文化的创造者。乡镇综合文化站是发展、繁荣农村文化的主体,肩负着基层群众文化活动的引领和导向作用,肩负着农村文化的组织、辅导和培训的责任,它既是党的路线、方针、政策的宣传者,
【摘要】:词汇作为汉语学习的重要内容,是泰国留学生学习的一大难点,而在实际的教学过程中发现,泰国学生的一些词汇应用存在一些共性的问题,而这些共性的问题形成了他们学习汉语词汇的偏误,并且有向“化石化”发展的趋势。  【关键词】:泰国;留学生;词汇;偏误  随着中国-东盟贸易区的建立,中国与东盟各国的社会、经济及文化交流越来越深入,这也吸引了越来越多的泰国学生到中国来学习汉语。词汇作为汉语学习的重要内
【摘要】:中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,接近70%的农业人口标志着它已是个农业大国。随着科技的发展与现代化进程的推进,农村的城镇化成为了发展趋势,乡村文化受到很大的影响和冲击,却仍保持着独有的乡土色彩。本文描述了笔者到寿安镇八角村参加友人婚礼活动的所见所闻,在展现八角村的社区形态和文化特质同时,通过与市井文化的跨文化比较,试图达到对当地人所从事婚庆活动的理解和乡土文化特点的表现。  【关键词】:八