分析了FMDV各血清型病毒基因编码起始区与终止区的密码子使用偏性。结果表明,FMDV各血清型中的稀有密码子倾向出现于编码起始区,而终止区附近稀有密码子出现的倾向较弱。这一有趣的现象,可利用“稀有密码子调控假说”来解释为FMDV起始编码区的稀有密码子的使用对其编码区表达具有负调控作用。而终止区附近的这种较弱的倾向性表明,终止区密码子的使用对编码区基因表达的影响可能没有起始区那样强烈。同时说明,“稀有密码子调控假说”不仅适用于细菌,而且也适用于一些病毒基因组。“,” The synonymous codon usage in the translational initiation and termination regions of genes of seven different serotypes belonging to foot-and-mouth disease virus(FMDV) was particularly analyzed.The results indicate that the pattern of codon usage with low propensity at some sites in the initial region is preferentially existed ,and the interesting phenomenon may imply a negative effect on gene expression ,which can be explained by the “minor co-don modulator hypothesis”.Nevertheless,this interesting phenomenon fails to exist obviously in the terminal region . Obviously,some information about the pattern of codon usage in the initial translation region may indicate that the sites of codon usage with low propensity may have an more obvious effect on FMDV gene transcription or translation than the terminal region.The proposed results imply that the “minor codon modulator hypothesis”may be applied to both bacteria and some RNA viruses(e.g.FMDV).