一、害虫危害与药剂治虫对茶叶生产所造成的恶劣影响(一) 虫害严重威胁茶叶的产量和品质我国茶树栽培历史悠久,面积广阔,加之茶园生态条件特殊,茶园害虫种类相应较多.据记载,全国多达400种,我省也不下200余种,包括一些常发性和突发性害虫,还有许多处于自然控制下的一般次要害虫.其中构成经济损失,需要专门防治的主要种类约占10%以上.当然各地主要虫种不尽相同,但都以芽叶害虫为害最烈,直接威胁茶叶的产量和品贡.常年虫害损失至少在一成以上,严重的甚至无茶叶可采,树势衰退,常需数年方得恢复.据试验,芽梢受害,特别是小绿叶蝉[Empoasca pirisuga (Matsumura)]等刺吸害虫为害后,导致芽叶主要成分的变
First, the pest damage and pesticides on the tea production of the adverse effects (A) pests pose a serious threat to tea yield and quality China’s tea cultivation has a long history, a vast area, combined with special ecological conditions of the tea garden, tea garden pests species more accordingly. According to records , Up to 400 species throughout the country, no less than 200 species in our province, including some of the common and sudden pests, and many of the common secondary pests under natural control which constitute the main types of economic losses require special control Accounting for more than 10% .Of course, the main insects are not the same all over, but all to the sprout pests damage the most direct threat to the yield of tea and product tribute perennial pests damage at least 10% of the serious or even no tea recoverable , The decline of the tree vigor often takes several years to recover.According to the experiment, shoot damage, especially Empoasca pirisuga (Matsumura)] and other sucking insects cause damage to the main components of the shoot