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瞿天锋说:“创业最大的兴奋点就在于遇到问题,通过努力后峰回路转,解决问题。”因此他认为挫折才是让人们进步的指路明灯。“一到工作岗位,状态就很HIGH,可以说是属于亢奋的那种,而且特别享受。公司的后台系统有很多数据监控报表,每分每秒的数据可以实时展现,企业系统运行和经营数据也能一览无余。”以上这段话是新三板的新秀企业上海敬众创始人瞿天锋,谈及自己工作状态时的感言,不难听出他确实在享受这种创业的状态,瞿天锋说自己享受还不够,他在公司安装了几台电视机,把实时的报表做图形化挂在墙上,让一起创业的小伙伴们看,大家 Qu Tianfeng said: “The biggest excitement is the entrepreneurial problems encountered through the hard work after the turnaround to solve the problem. ” Therefore, he believes that frustration is the guiding principle for people to progress. “To work, the state is very HIGH, can be said to belong to the kind of excitement, and especially enjoy the company’s back office system has a lot of data monitoring reports, every minute of data can be real-time display, enterprise system operation and management Data can glance. ”These are the words of the new three-board rookie company Shanghai Jingzhong founder Qu Tian-feng, talked about their work when the state of the speech, it is not difficult to hear him really enjoy the entrepreneurial status, Qutian Feng said he Enjoy is not enough, he installed a few TV sets in the company, the real-time report graphical hanging on the wall, so that small business partners to see, everyone
①在动物世界里,不少动物冬眠。而有些动物却在夏天睡大觉,有夏眠的习性。  ②蜗牛不仅以冬眠来度过严寒,而且还用夏眠来抵御酷暑和干旱。在非洲大沙漠里的蜗牛,每当盛夏来临时,它就缩进壳内。钻到沙砾中藏起来睡大觉。待到天气转凉时,它才从沙砾中爬出来活动。
向艺术家致敬  周昉,唐代画家,京兆(今陕西省西安市)人,出身于仕宦之家。擅长丹青肖像、尤工仕女,画中多描绘唐代的贵族妇女,容貌丰腴,衣着华丽,用笔劲简,色彩柔艳,为当时宫廷、士大夫所喜爱。代表作《簪花仕女图》现藏于辽宁省博物馆,是目前世界唯一认定的唐代仕女画传世孤本,并代表唐代现实主义风格的绘画作品。  画面用笔朴实,气韵古雅,构图采取平铺列绘的方式,描写几位妇女踏春赏花游园的情景。  画家描绘