Optimization of the idler wavelength tunable cascaded optical parametric oscillator based on chirp-a

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lixu0033
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We present the numerical results for the optimization of the pump-to-idler conversion efficiencies of nanosecond idler wavelength tunable cascaded optical parametric oscillators(OPO) in different wavelength tuning ranges, where the primary signals from the OPO process are recycled to enhance the pump-to-idler conversion efficiencies via the simultaneous difference frequency generation(DFG) process by monolithic aperiodically poled, magnesium oxide doped lithium niobate(APMg LN) crystals. The APMg LN crystals are designed with different chirp parameters for the DFG process to broaden their thermal acceptance bandwidths to different extents. The idler wavelength tuning of the cascaded OPO is realized by changing the temperature of the designed APMg LN crystal and the cascaded oscillation is achieved in a single pump pass singly resonant linear cavity. The pump-to-idler conversion efficiencies with respect to the pump pulse duration and ratio of OPO coefficient to DFG coefficient are calculated by numerically solving the coupled wave equations. The optimal working conditions of the tunable cascaded OPOs pumped by pulses with energies of 350 μJ and 700 μJ are compared to obtain the general rules of optimization. It is concluded that the optimization becomes the interplay between the ratio of OPO coefficient to DFG coefficient and the pump pulse duration when the idler wavelength tuning range and the pump pulse energy are fixed. Besides, higher pump pulse energy is beneficial for reaching higher optimal pump-to-idler conversion efficiency as long as the APMg LN crystal is optimized according to this pump condition. To the best of our knowledge,this is the first numerical analysis of idler wavelength tunable cascaded OPOs based on chirp-assisted APMg LN crystals. We present the numerical results for the optimization of the pump-to-idler conversion efficiencies of nanosecond idler wavelength tunable cascaded optical parametric oscillators (OPO) in different wavelength tuning ranges, where the primary signals from the OPO process are recycled to enhance the pump- to-idler conversion efficiencies via the simultaneous difference frequency generation (DFG) process by monolithic aperiodically poled, magnesium oxide doped lithium niobate (APMg LN) crystals. The APMg LN crystals are designed with different chirp parameters for the DFG process to broaden their thermal acceptance bandwidths to different extents. The idler wavelength tuning of the cascaded OPO is realized by changing the temperature of the designed APMg LN crystal and the cascaded oscillation is achieved in a single pump pass singly resonant linear cavity. The pump-to-idler conversion efficiencies with respect to the pump pulse duration and ratio of OPO coefficient to DFG coefficient are calc ulated by numerically solving the coupled wave equations. The optimal working conditions of the tunable cascaded OPOs pumped by pulses with energies of 350 μJ and 700 μJ are compared to obtain the general rules of optimization. It is concluded that the optimization becomes the interplay between the ratio of OPO coefficient to DFG coefficient and the pump pulse duration when the idler wavelength tuning range and the pump pulse energy are fixed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first numerical analysis of idler wavelength tunable cascaded OPOs based on chirp-assisted APMg LN crystals.
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