地处帕米尔高原南麓的塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县,已成为中外游客到高原探险觅奇的最佳选择。 世界十大高峰,塔什库尔干县境内就有三座。千沟万壑,冰峰林立,茫茫四野,白雪皑皑,天上人间,冰清玉洁,一种雄浑、清穆的气势足令走进这方土地的每一个生灵从心底升起无边的崇敬和震颤。帕米尔雄奇旷凉、秀丽、柔媚的高原风光举世驰名。冰山、冰洞、冰塔、奇山怪石、奇花异草遍布山坳;温泉、矿泉、喷泉和湖泊点缀在雪山牧场,‘山上杏花山下雪’,一望无垠的碧绿草原和在草原上飘动的雪白羊
Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County, located in the south of the Pamir Plateau, has become the best choice for both Chinese and foreign tourists to explore the plateau. Top ten in the world, there are three within the Takscheer County. A thousand gullies, Bingpeng everywhere, the vastness of the wild, snow-capped, heaven and earth, ice and jade, a vigorous, clear-mouthed momentum enough to enter the land of every creature from the bottom of boundless worship and tremor. Pamir’s magnificent desert, beautiful, beautiful scenery of the world famous. Icebergs, ice caves, ice towers, strange mountains and rocks, exotic flowers all over the col; hot springs, springs, fountains and lakes dotted the snow-capped mountains and pastures, Snow on the mountain almond blossoms, an expansive green grassland and the grasslands Snow white sheep