The structure of the Peng-Goro complex formed during the middle and late Proterozoic erupted between the Yingxiu fault and the Maumun fault. The complex body has the feature of non-rooted and deep karst northwest-dipping. Boundary faults and early ductile deformation in the complex body are superimposed with late brittle alteration, and the internal faults are arranged in a shingles. The complex near Maowen fault is characterized by ductile deformation Mainly, to the southeast to Yingxiu fault, the ductile deformation of the complex gradually decreases and the brittle deformation increases; the Maowen fault section is basically parallel with the Silurian strata. Based on the tectonic evolution of the Songpan-Aba Basin and combining with the metamorphic core complex, a model of Peng-Peng complex is proposed, which can effectively explain all the features of the Peng-Peng complex.