【摘 要】
新闻战线队伍的建设,是我们新闻事业为适应客观形势发展的当务之急。就地市报来讲,这个问题似乎更为紧迫和现实。这些年地市报的迅速大量发展,对从业人员有点“饥不择食”,队伍素质不高是突出弱点。提高采编人员的政治素质和业务素质是一项经常性的长期任务,措施可以多种多样,像通常做的在职学习、脱产轮训、以老带新、业务交流、蹲点包片、基层代职等等、这都是些行之有效的办法。我想就个人的经历和体验,谈谈“双重身份”这种简便易行、而效果又快又好的方法。 (一)
The construction of the ranks of the news front is the most pressing task for our journalism to adapt to the development of the objective situation. Local newspapers, the issue seems more pressing and reality. The rapid development of the municipal newspapers in these years made the employees a bit “hungry” and their quality was not high, which was a conspicuous weakness. To improve the political quality and professional quality of editors is a regular long-term task, the measures can be varied, such as the usual on-the-job training, turn-taking rotation, with old and new, business exchange, stay tuned tablets, Etc., these are some effective measures. I would like to discuss personal experience and experience as an easy, quick and effective method of “dual identity”. (one)
Coal petrology provides significant inputs for the industrial utilisation of coal and for broad understanding the coal formation and diagenesis.The present pape
To study the heights of the caved zone and water-conducting fracture zone in backfill mining,the failure mechanism of strata during backfill mining was analyzed
The quality of coke affects the performance of the blast fuace,factors affecting coke quality include coal properties,coal charge granulometry and carbonization
Mand-Raigarh coalfield is one of the largest coalfields in the Mahanadi basin.The Geological Survey of India carried out initial study primarily on exploration.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is amongst the possible options to reduce CO2 emission.In the application of CCS,CO2 capture techniques such as adsorption and