
来源 :英语沙龙 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flapme
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在为时3个月的1996年《英语沙龙》有奖征文活动中,编辑部收到来自祖国各地数以百计的初、高中学生的参赛作文。尽管以异域之言写作,尚有词不达意、不合语法之处,但流淌于字里行间的真挚感情,使我们仿佛看到奋战在三峡工地敬业不息的母亲航行于海上难得归家,但深爱着女儿的父亲;并由此感受到来自大山深处的父亲的坚韧和奔波于都市中的母亲的辛劳。对父母由理解到敬爱的赤子之心跃然纸上。评委们以文章立意、布局谋篇及基本合乎语法规范为尺度,挑选出17篇文章,设立了一、二、三等奖。在此我们对各位支持此项工作的英文指导老师、特别是做了极为细致周到的准备工作的厦门外国语学校、湖南省临澧县第一中学及四川川安化工厂子弟学校的老师们致以诚挚的谢意!对各位评委老师所付出的辛勤劳动表示感谢! During the three-month “English Salon” essay-raising event in 1996, the editorial department received hundreds of essays for junior high school students from all parts of the country. Despite writing in a foreign language, there are words that are not compliant and grammatical. However, sincere feelings flowing between the lines have made us feel as if we see mothers working hard on the construction site of the Three Gorges area to sail on the sea and rarely return home, but love deeply. With her daughter’s father, I felt the hard work of her father from the depths of the mountains and the hard work of her mother who rushed through the city. The heart of the parents’ understanding of the beloved is vividly presented on the paper. The judges selected 17 articles and set up the first, second and third prizes based on the article’s intention, layout, and grammar norms. Here we would like to express our sincere admiration to the English teachers who support this work, especially the Xiamen Foreign Language School which has done extremely meticulous and thoughtful preparations, the first middle schools in Linyi County, Hunan Province, and the children’s schools of Sichuan Chuan An Chemical Factory. Thank you! Thank you for the hard work done by the judges’ teachers!
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这讲中谈到的友情书信(Goodwill Letters)与我们以前谈到的其他商务书信有个明显的不同,那就是友情书信的主要目的是沟通感情,增进友情,从而能够在公司内部或与客户之间建立
如何迈出创业的第一步无疑对创业成功与否颇为关键,一位经历了多年创业沉浮的成功创业者,介绍了他的7条创业捷径。  其一,占有资源。为了推销自己的产品,他在两年间曾经参加了8次博览会。每次博览会结束的那个下午,一般都是参展者以货易货的时刻让你仿佛身处没有货币的时代,其原因是参展厂家都懒得把货再运回去。每次展会的最后一天,低价收购参展品再卖掉,结果这个朋友挣了不少钱。  其二,发挥优势。要是你拥有某方面
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