当前,不论是政府、开发商,还是大型科技公司,都纷纷投身于智慧城市的建设中,期望打造出一个高效、方便(且盈利的)的“智慧”大都市,以适应和调和城市发展的快速节奏.虽然由无人机、平衡车和闪亮的反光玻璃高楼等典型智慧城市愿景构建出的未来城市很诱人,但现实是,真正的高品质(智慧)城市包含着自下而上的繁杂和城市活力,这对城市的整体繁荣至关重要.在Hassell于深圳新桥区城市转型项目竞赛的获胜方案中,设计团队探索了智慧型创新城市首先需要秉持的理念—构建一个能促进包容性、多元性、协作性和韧性的场所.如今,我们还处于新冠肺炎疫情持续的不确定性中,设计团队深知对于智慧城市的豪言将更甚以往,且这将成为一种必要的城市监控方式,用来支持社区建设、防控疫情—构建一个更具韧性和适应性的城市环境,将有助于在大型灾难事件发生时推动城市重新校准、重新组织并实时进化.在此类情况下,城市设计师能否在实现韧性之外,更进一步地设想灾难性事件发生后的城市发展?“,”Governments, developers and big-tech companies have become enamoured with the possibility of the smart city: an efficient, convenient (and profitable) “smart” metropolis to help accommodate and optimize rapid urban growth. While it is tempting to wash renders of future cities with the typical smart city visions of drones, segways, and shiny reflective glass towers—the reality is that good (smart) cities incorporate a bottom-up messiness and urban vitality which is fundamental to the overall thriving of the city. In Hassell's competition winning scheme for the Xinqiao District in Shenzhen—the design team explored the ideas that a smart and innovative city that first and foremost uphold— a place which fosters inclusivity, diversity, collaboration, and resilience. Now through times of ongoing uncertainty in the COVID-19 era, Hassell's design team expects an even greater adoption of smart cities rhetoric as a form of necessary urban surveillance and to manage and support communities and the containment of the COVID-19—building urban resilience against big disaster events, enabling adaptive environments that can re-calibrate, reorganize, and evolve in real-time as needed. Can urban designers go beyond resilience to imagine cities which thrive and grow out of disaster events?