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21世纪朝着我们走来。我们正站在世纪之交的转换点上,思考着昨天和今天,思考着未来。 即将过去的20世纪,在中国这块大地上,充满激荡和巨大变革。伴随鸦片战争的烟火西学东渐,十月革命的炮声又送来马克思主义,伟大的五四运动点燃了追求民主、科学的思想解放和新文化运动的篝火,中国新闻学和近代中国新闻事业在救亡图存的觉醒中诞生。历时八年的全民抗战,以空前的规模,动员和组织了广大人民群众,推动新文化的大普及,共产党领导的报刊遍及抗日前线和敌后,甩崭新的理论和实践,实现了新闻事业与广大人民群众相结合。建国以后的年月,面对社会主义建设,阶级斗争持续不断,在计划经济的基础上,构建了以党委机关报为中心、高度集中统一、以政治宣传为主要功能的办报体系,我国新闻事业既向前发展,又带有很大局限性,处于比较保守、封闭的状态。中共十一届三中全会通过拨乱反正,以实践为检验真理的唯一标准, The 21st century is coming toward us. We are standing at the turning point of the turn of the century, thinking about yesterday and today and thinking about the future. The forthcoming 20th century, in this land of China, is full of agitation and great change. With the popularization of opium war in the west of China, the gunpowder of the October Revolution sent Marxism. The great May 4th Movement ignited the bonfire that pursued the democratic and scientific emancipation of the mind and the new cultural movement. The Chinese journalism and the journalism in modern China Was born in the awakening of salvation. During the eight-year-long all-people war of resistance against Japan, it mobilized and organized a vast majority of the people with an unprecedented scale to promote the great popularity of the new culture. The newspapers led by the Communist Party spread the brand-new theories and practices to realize the common prosperity of journalism and the general public Combination of the people. After the founding of the People’s Republic, in the face of the socialist construction, the class struggle continued. On the basis of a planned economy, a newspaper system with the organs of the party committees as the center, highly centralized and unified political campaigns as the main functions was built up and China’s news Career both forward, but also with great limitations, in a more conservative, closed state. The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee adopted the order of disarming the masses and taking practice as the sole criterion for testing the truth.
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直立白薇Cynanchum atratum Bunge为萝藦科Asclepiadaceae鹅绒藤属Cynanchum Bunge植物,生于山地灌木丛中,在全国各地广有分布,特别是在东北三省,云南,贵州等地。具有清热凉血、利尿通淋、解毒疗疮的功效,临床上常用于温邪伤营发热、阴虚发热、骨蒸劳热、产后血虚发热、热淋、血淋、痈疽肿毒等症。现代药理研究表明,直立白薇的粗提物具有抗炎、平喘等生理活性。本文通过