作为一代伟人 ,毛泽东为中国人民和中华民族做出了巨大贡献 ,立下了不朽功勋。是他带领中国人民站立起来 ,实现了人民的解放 ;是他带领中国人民实现了民族独立 ,使中华民族自立于世界民族之林 ;是他引导中国走上了社会主义道路 ,为国家富强和人民共同富裕奠定了坚实基础。值此毛泽东诞辰110周年之际 ,本文从历史的角度回顾、总结了毛泽东的历史功绩 ,以为纪念。
As a great man, Mao Zedong made tremendous contributions to the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, and made immortal contributions. He led the Chinese people to stand up and realized the emancipation of the people. He lead the Chinese people to realize national independence and make the Chinese nation stand for themselves in the world’s nations. It is he who guided China to embark on the road of socialism for the prosperity of the country and the people The common prosperity has laid a solid foundation. On the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the birth of Mao Zedong, this paper reviews from a historical perspective and summarizes Mao Zedong’s historical achievements in commemoration.