Study on Mechanism for Formation of Carbon Oxides During Catalytic Cracking of High Acidic Crude

来源 :China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghchao0605
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Based on the basis of analysis and interpretation of the products distribution of catalytic cracking of high acidic crude,the mechanism for decarboxylation of petroleum acids during FCC pro- cess was discussed.The protons originated from the Br(?)nsted acid sites can combine with oxygen of the carbonyl groups with more negative charges to form reaction intermediates that can be subjected to cleavage at the weak bonds,leading to breaking of carboxylic groups from the carboxylic acids followed by its decomposition to form alkyl three-coordinated carbenium ions,CO and H_2O.The Lewis acid as an electrophilic reagent can abstract carboxylic groups from carboxylic acids to subsequently release CO_2. Based on the basis of analysis and interpretation of the products distribution of catalytic cracking of high acidic crude, the mechanism for decarboxylation of petroleum acids during FCC pro- cess was discussed. The protons originated from the Br (?) Nsted acid sites can combine with oxygen of the carbonyl groups with more negative charges to form reaction intermediates that can be subjected to cleavage at the weak bonds, leading to breaking of carboxylic groups from the carboxylic acids followed by its decomposition to form alkyl three-coordinated carbenium ions, CO and H 2 O The Lewis acid as an electrophilic reagent can abstract carboxylic groups from carboxylic acids to subsequently release CO_2.
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