【摘 要】
First of all, I still can not unconscionably recall Liu Xiang’s voice, because it is so nice. His fame accompanied by a song - “Black Willow,” the interview feature before the Athens Olympics, he hums the “Black Willow” runs through from time to time to make this self-confident, publicity of the big boy Pan From another gentle and passionate color, how many people touched the heart, Athens became famous
胰胆管汇合异常(pancreaticobiliary maljunction,PBM)是一种先天性畸形, 表现为胰管和胆管在十二指肠壁外汇合.通常形成较长的共同通道,使Oddi括约肌失去对胰胆汇合部的正常
Objective:Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is known to cause part of the systemic inflammatory reaction after cardiac surgery that can be responsible for organ
直肠癌是常见的消化道恶性肿瘤之一.其发病率逐年上升,严重影响病人的生命健康[1].自从全直肠系膜切除(total mesorectal excision, TME)概念提出以来,手术治疗便成为首选[2]
In the 50 years since the advent of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) the extracorporealcircuit (ECC) and its application has undergone variable evolutionary cha
Objective:The purpose of this presentation is to describe a study designed to determine which factors impact the ability to perform autologous priming (AP)
Objective:A new mini-cardiopulmonary bypass (MCPB) system incorporating an air-purge was first introduced to Singapore hospitals as early as 2005.National U
胰胆管汇合异常(pancreaticobiliary maljuction, PBM)是一类先天性胰胆管发育异常.PBM的定义为胰胆管在十二指肠壁外汇合,形成较长的共同管,导致十二指肠乳头Oddi括约肌无法
Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) remains the key technology for cardiac operations.The perfusion equipment used nowadays has seen tremendous progress since its