除数是小数的除法与除数是整数的除法在计算方法上具有一致性,关键是运用化归的数学思想,根据商不变性质把除数由小数转化成整数,再进行计算。因此,教学重点应该放在“把除数由小数转化成整数”上。一回忆再现预作铺垫口算(选带“★”的题,让学生说一说思考过程)。2.4÷2 8.4÷4 5.6÷7 0.81÷9★7.2÷8★0.072÷8师:这些都是我们已经学过的除数是整数的小数除法。除数是整数的小数除法如何计算?(设计意图:利用口算复习除数是整数的小数除法,激活与唤醒学生的记忆与学习经验,并通过对比强化商的小数点和被除数的小数点对齐这一关键点,为新知识的学习奠定基础)
The division between the divisor and the divisor and the integer divisor is consistent in the calculation method. The key is to use the normalized mathematical idea to convert the divisor into an integer according to the invariant property of the quotient, and then calculate the divisor. Therefore, the teaching should focus on the “divisor from decimal to integer ”. A memory rehearsals of prematurity (count the election with “★” title, let students talk about thinking process). 2.4 ÷ 2 8.4 ÷ 4 5.6 ÷ 7 0.81 ÷ 9 ★ 7.2 ÷ 8 ★ 0.072 ÷ 8 Divisions: These are all the division divisors we have learned that are integers. (Design intent: the use of oral review divisor is an integer fractional division, activation and wake-up memory and learning experience, and by contrasting the decimal point of the quotient and the dividend of the dividend alignment of this key point, Lay the foundation for learning new knowledge)