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全世界平均5台家用冰箱压缩机中,就有1台产自华意!从1996年华意在深交所上市以来企业规模不断扩大,逐渐成为全球首屈一指的以环保、节能、高效为特点的冰箱压缩机专业制造商之一。公司总部位于中国瓷都——景德镇,下辖浙江嘉兴加西贝拉压缩机有限公司、华意压缩机(荆州)有限公司、华意压缩机(巴塞罗那)有限公司等三家子公司。步步为营华意的底气来源于真实的销量从传统国有企业的曾经辉煌,到一时的经营困难从而改制重组,再到凤凰涅槃浴火重生;工厂布局从省内走向省外,再到走出国门;产销量从数百万台增长到 One of the 5 home refrigerator compressors in the world is made by Huayi! Since Huayi’s listing on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 1996, the scale of the company has been constantly expanding and has gradually become the world’s premier refrigerator compressor featuring environmental protection, energy conservation and high efficiency Machine professional manufacturer. The company is headquartered in China’s porcelain - Jingdezhen, Zhejiang Jiaxing Jia Beibei Compressor Co., Ltd., Huayi Compressor (Jingzhou) Co., Ltd., Huayi Compressor (Barcelona) Co., Ltd. and other three subsidiaries. Step by step Huayi emboldened from the real sales from the traditional state-owned enterprises once brilliant, temporary operation difficulties to restructuring and reorganization, and then the Phoenix Nirvana bath fire rebirth; factory layout from the province to the province, and then go abroad; production and marketing The amount has grown from millions to
冬季来临,老年朋友的户外活动减少,在家里也因怕冷、担心感冒不敢开窗。殊不知,室内空气如果不流通,极易导致细菌滋生。老年人对病菌的抵抗能力较弱,大多又有慢性支气管炎等疾病,因此冬季更应常开窗。  多数北方人家里都装有暖气,这在保持温暖的同时也有不少弊端。首先,室温过高,空气流通不好,空气中氧气不足,长时间呆在这种环境中会导致免疫功能下降,体质较弱的老年人会出现烦躁不安、皮肤发紧、出汗、血黏度增高、尿