
来源 :通俗歌曲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaboo
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传统与流行、传统与现代看似相互对立的矛盾体,但本质上却存在着相互吸引、相互融合的关系。就传统音乐与现代流行音乐这对“矛盾体”来看,二者虽是两种艺术形式不同的音乐类型,但它们所具有的的共通之处却远远超越了各自本身的音乐特点。本文是在观看了谭维维演唱的《给你一点颜色》之后引发的对传统音乐与流行音乐在融合后迸发出强烈的火花产生的几点思考,并通过文献查阅、资料整合等研究方法来进行研究。 Traditional and popular, contradictory between traditional and modern seemingly opposite each other, but in essence, there is mutual attraction and mutual integration. As far as the “contradictory body” of traditional music and modern pop music is concerned, although they are two different types of music, their commonalities have far exceeded their own musical characteristics . This article is a reflection on the strong sparks produced by the fusion of traditional music and popular music triggered by Tan Weiwei’s “Give You a Little Color”, and through research methods such as literature review and data integration .
麻杏石甘汤出自《伤寒论》,原治太阳病 ,发汗未愈 ,风寒入里化热 ,“汗出而喘者”,后世有于风寒化热或风热所伤 ,但见肺中热盛 ,身热喘急 ,口渴脉数 ,便以本方加减治疗。自 1