台湾现有水库27座,有的是单一用途,有的是多目标工程.下表是其中12座水库的泥沙资料.表内的水库按照由北向南的位置排列.但全部属台西丘陵地质区,前6座在北部,后6座在南部. 同美国的水库相比,台湾的水库泥沙淤积问题要严重得多,特别是台西南地区,这一地区的地质主要是一种极易侵蚀的新生代的泥岩,年降雨量从西部沿海的1500mm到中部山区的300mm.
There are 27 reservoirs in Taiwan, some are single-purpose and some are multi-target projects. The following table shows the sediment information of 12 reservoirs. The reservoirs in the table are arranged from north to south, but all belong to the Taixi Hilly Geological Area, 6 in the north and 6 in the south.Compared with the US reservoirs, sedimentation problems in Taiwan’s reservoirs are much more serious, especially in the southwestern part of Taiwan where the geology of this area is mainly a highly vulnerable freshman Generation of mudstone, the annual rainfall from the western coastal 1500mm to the central mountainous area 300mm.