
来源 :江西中医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shi2879999
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双解汤(羌活、荆芥各9~12克,僵蚕、银花、连翘各15克,蝉衣5克,板蓝根、大青叶各30克,甘草6克)从洁古九味羌活汤化裁而来,为表里双解、寒热两清之方。适应表实无汗、头痛高热、肢节酸痛的风寒客表,并见口苦而渴、便秘烦闷的蕴热挟滞证。高热烦渴,舌红脉洪数加生石膏(碎,先煎20分钟)60~100克;大便秘结而有“胃家实”加生大黄9~12克;兼咳加前胡15克、牛蒡子12克或止嗽散;气急痰多参用三拗汤;兼胃肠证加枳壳 Shuangjie Decoction (9-12 grams each of alfalfa live, Nepeta, 15 grams of silkworm, silver flower, 15 forsythia, 5 grams of alfalfa, 30 grams of Radix isatidis, 30 grams of Daqingye, 6 grams of licorice). The soup came out as a solution to the cold and heat. To meet the real table without sweat, headache, high fever, excitement limb cold watch, and see bitterness and thirst, constipation boredom of heat stasis lag. High fever and polydipsia, red tongue and red blood pulse plus gypsum (crushed, simmered for 20 minutes) 60 to 100 grams; constipation and “stomach family” plus rhubarb 9 to 12 grams; and cough and 15 grams of the former Hu, 12 grams of burdock or Zhifan San;
<正> 笔者在临症中试用骨碎补单味药,研面冲服治疗遗尿症,收到了满意的疗效。制法及服法:取骨碎补500克、食盐50克、水2500毫升。先将水倒容器中,再加入食盐搅匀,待溶化后放