Theoretical Study on the Hetero-Diels-Alder Reactions between 3-Pyridinedithioesters and 1-Phenylsul

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The mechanism, catalytic effect and solvent effect of the hetero-Diels-Alder reac- tions between 3-pyridinedithioesters and 1-phenylsulfanylbutadiene have been studied theoretically using density functional theory (DFT) at the B3LYP/6-31G(d) level. The results show that all of these reactions proceed in a concerted but asynchronous way. In some reactions the formation of C-S bond is prior to that of C-C bond and the opposite results are found in other reactions. The BF3 catalyst may lower the activation barriers by changing the energies of LUMO for 3-pyridine- dithioester. THF solvent has trivial influence on the potential energy surface of these reactions. With the BF3-catalyzed reactions, regioselectivity and stereoselectivity observed experimentally were predicted correctly by calculations and these results originate probably from C-H···F interaction in two transition states. The mechanism, catalytic effect and solvent effect of the hetero-Diels-Alder reac- tions between 3-pyridinedithioesters and 1-phenylsulfanylbutadiene have been studied theoretically using density functional theory (DFT) at the B3LYP / 6-31G (d) level. The results show that all of these reactions proceed in a concerted but asynchronous way. In some reactions the formation of CS bond is prior to that of CC bond and the opposite results are found in other reactions. The BF3 catalyst may lower the activation barriers by changing the energies of LUMO for 3-pyridine-dithioester. With the BF3-catalyzed reactions, regioselectivity and stereoselectivity observed experimentally were predicted correctly by calculations and these results originate probably from CH · ·· F interaction in two transition states.
时间定格在二十多年前的某个黄昏,半拉子夕阳磕磕绊绊地穿过房前低矮的灌木丛,透出金子般的光泽,在外祖母褶皱的额头上打下一圈光斑。  她从灶台里端出一大锅的稀饭,又端上了三碟配饭的时令小菜。拌炒海带、炒酸菜和一碟焖煮熟的新鲜虾皮,旁边佐上一浅碟酱油醋。  外祖母的食谱很简单、实在,这三样小菜其实已倾尽了她的所能。在盛夏的傍晚,大口喝着稀稀的清汤挂面式的小粥,让炒酸菜咸酸中透着一股子香气的味觉在味蕾中游
新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)是造成新生儿早期死亡的常见病,存活者常有遗留神经系统缺陷。1992年以来,我院新生儿科在治疗中、重度 HIE 合并心动过缓、循环障碍的患儿时,加用
引子 初识杨国强总经理,都会为他的风度所倾倒。高大魁伟的身材、落落大方的仪态、充满机智的谈吐和立如松、坐如钟的身姿气质都告诉你,他是一个有军人特质的人,是一个身历
1996年上中学时,有一次我发现《少男少女》杂志上刊登了一则“漫画教室”的培训班广告。当时这本杂志在中小学中非常畅销,我觉得杂志的排版设计很有趣,同学间也不时会相互传阅来看。看到这则消息的时候,我十分高兴,心里想着总算有个地方可以学习画画了。  那时,我所在的小县城也开始流行起漫画风,几个租书摊档一大早开门,便是先把漫画杂志或书摆到门外的架子上。当然,《少男少女》《读者》《知音》等杂志、武侠类的书