恢复未走完的圆弧半径在数控线切割加工中,加工圆弧半径大、工件厚度高的工件,下班时常常不能使程序走完,而机床又不具备停电恢复记忆,使操作者感到为难,现将我们的办法介绍如下:例如输入一程序40000B 160000GxSR_1后进行加工,当程序走至第三象限时,已到下班时间,此时可将加工开关显示“0”状态停止加工,此时面板x、y、J均有显示,假设y拖板进入第三象限后已走了4.5mm,则面板显示应为2~(12)、2~8、2~7、2~4、2~1灯亮,其余灯则不亮,这时可借助计算器求出x的坐标值与面板x寄存器对照,此时应为2~(15)、
Restore the radius of the arc has not been completed In CNC wire cutting, the processing of large arc radius, the workpiece thickness of the workpiece, off work often can not make the program finished, and the machine does not have power recovery memory, making the operator feel embarrassed , For example, after entering a program 40000B 160000GxSR_1 for processing, when the program goes to the third quadrant, it is time to go off-duty, at this time, the processing switch can be displayed in a state of “0” to stop processing, and the panel x, y, J are shown, assuming y drag into the third quadrant has gone 4.5mm, the panel should be displayed as 2 ~ (12), 2 ~ 8,2 ~ 7,2 ~ 4,2 ~ 1 Light on, the remaining light is not bright, then calculate the coordinates of the x with the panel x register control, this time should be 2 ~ (15),