1984—1986年间从浙江省11个县市采集荸荠枯萎标本共计240个,经分离、纯化,鉴定为以下4个镰刀菌种:Fusarium oxysporum,F.acuminatum,F.semitectum,F.moniliforme var.intermedium. 根据田间调查和接种试验证明尖镰孢(F·oxysporum)是引起田间荸荠枯萎病的主要病原菌。这是一种迄今尚未见报道的荸荠新病害。病株矮小,黄化,基腐,后期倒伏。寄主范围试验表明F.oxysporum仅能侵害荸荠,为一新的专化型,并将其定名为尖孢镰刀菌荸荠专化型Fusarium oxysporum f.sp eleocharidis.此外,人工接种试验证明F.acuminatum对荸荠也具有很强的致病性,而其余两个种仅具微弱或无致病性。
A total of 240 samples of water chestnuts were collected from 11 counties of Zhejiang Province from 1984 to 1986. Four Fusarium species were identified as Fusarium oxysporum, F. acuminatum, F. semitectum, F. moniliforme var. Intermedium According to field investigation and inoculation test, F. oxysporum was the main pathogen that caused the water chestnut wilt disease in the field. This is a hitherto unknown hitherto unknown new water chestnut disease. Sick dwarf, yellow, basic rot, late lodging. The host range test showed that F. oxysporum could only infringe the water chestnuts and was a new specialized type and named it Fusarium oxysporum f.sp eleocharidis. In addition, the artificial inoculation test proved that F.oxysporum pairs Water chestnuts also have strong pathogenicity, while the remaining two species are only weak or non-pathogenic.