This article reports the results of a carcass examination of 760 neonatal deaths in the Department of Pathology, Chulalonskorn University School of Medicine, Thailand from 1967 to 1979. 760, accounting for 408 cases (53.7%) with body weight of 1000-2500g, of which 236 cases were male (31%) and 172 cases were female (22.6%); 352 cases (46.3%) were over 2500g, There were 148 women (19.5%) with a ratio of 58% to 42%. 531 cases (69.8%) died within 1 week after delivery, and the perinatal mortality rate in low birth weight children (premature children) increased by 73.8%. In the 760 autopsy analysis, a total of 882 pathological lesions. The main cause of death in newborns is: 32% of inflammatory diseases. Fetal hypoxia accounted for 28%, congenital malformations accounted for 18%, hyaline membrane disease accounted for 11%, others accounted for 11%. The main pathological damage in premature infants is: neonatal hypoxia accounted for 18.6%, inflammatory diseases accounted for 13.7%. Hyaline membrane disease accounted for 8.3%.