3.3美国建筑市场准入.市场基本规则和初入美国市场应注意的问题 (1)外国公司如何在美国设立建筑业企业 美国从联邦政府到各州、地方政府部没有一个专门的建筑市场准入法规来限制外国投资建筑公司进入美国.中国的建筑公司很容易在美国成
3.3 US Construction Market Access. Basic Rules of the Market and Issues to Be Admitted to the US Market (1) How Foreign Corporations Set Up Construction Corporations in the United States There is no specific building market access regulation from the federal government to the cantons and local government departments To limit the foreign investment construction company to enter the United States.China’s construction company is very easy in the United States into