辽宁Liao Ning职工劳动权益有保障8月1日起,《辽宁省职工劳动权益保障条例》开始实施。《条例》规定,职工依法享有社会保险和福利的权利;用人单位应当向全体职工公示集体合同履行情况,养老、医疗、失业、工伤、生育等社会保险费的缴纳情况,职工福利基金的使用情况等直接涉及职工切身利益的重大事项;对拖欠职工工资和社会
Liao Ning, Liaoning Province Labor Rights and Interests of Employees Protection From August 1, the “Regulations on the Protection of Labor Rights and Interests of Workers and Staff of Liaoning Province” came into effect. The “Regulations” stipulate that employees shall have the right to social insurance and welfare according to law; the employing unit shall publicize the performance of collective contracts to all staff and workers, the payment of social insurance such as pension, medical care, unemployment, work-related injury and childbirth, the use of employee benefit funds And other major issues that directly involve the immediate interests of staff and workers; wage arrears to the staff and the society