Fundamental principles of the international protection system of intellectual property rights and th

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Legal principle,which underlies the value of the legal system,is supposed to be the origin and basis of concrete legal rules.It has also resuited from abstracting and summarizing the value and spirit of these legal rules.In light of the universality and hierarchy of legal principle,the principles of the international protection system of intellectual property rights (IPR)can be divided into the following two types:one is the fundamental principles applied to the what,why and how a legal system shall be constructed,such as principles of sovereignty,equality and mutual benefit,joint development,and international cooperation,1 which also can be expressed as the principles of sovereignty,international coordination and cooperation,fairness and justice.2 The other type includes those existing in the legal system and capable of being applied directly,such as the principle of national treatment,principle of minimum standard,principle of independence (for industrial property right),principle of independent protection (for copyright),principle of compulsory implementing patent (for patent right) and doctrine of priority (for industrial property right),etc.3In my opinion,the principles of the international protection system of IPR shall follow the latter model,indicating that they shall be provided and written in the international conventions on the grounds that they can be applied directly,and that they can be universally applied to the whole international protection system of IPR instead of exclusive application to one certain system.Hereupon,the author believes that principles concerning the international protection system of IPR should include the principles of national treatment,minimum protection standard and public interest.
目的 运用薄层胸部CT图像,观察锁骨胸骨端继发骨化中心随年龄增长的时序性变化,推测我国北方地区汉族青少年锁骨内侧骨骺发育程度在年龄增长过程中的分布特点.方法 评估1369
摘 要:中国现代意义上的公证制度是民国初年从西方引进的,至今不到百历史,仍未真正成为一项与中国现有法律制度完全融合的制度。公证制度作为主流的意于有效防止纠纷以保障企业或公民合法权益的一种预防手段,贯穿于社会经济生活的各个方面。越是经济发达的社会,公民之间或企业之间的利益冲突越普遍,对公证制度的需求就越大其发展也越完善。中国的经济尚在高速发展,公证制度的完善还有待努力。  关键词:公证制度;问题;完
摘 要:我国现行《破产法》关于担保债权和劳动债权的清偿顺位的规定有失僵硬和偏颇,过分强调维护市场交易秩序而忽视了公平原则,未充分考虑我国社会经济现实与劳动者生存权益。在我国法律体系中将劳动债权优先于担保物权受偿确立为纲具有较强的必要性,但又面临与物权优先原则相冲突的逻辑悖论。为保证法律体系的协调一致和实现良好社会效果,本文试图引入优先权制度和域外相关立法经验,以探求上述立法设想的逻辑性路径,妥善衡
摘 要:随着近几年来我国建筑业的迅速发展,建筑工程也得到了更多的重视。建筑工程的质量不只会影响企业的名誉和发展,同时也会影响人民群众的生命和财产安全,所以建筑工程监督管理工作非常重要。本文就目前我国建筑工程监督管理中存在的问题和解决的对策进行了具体阐述,以供参考。  关键词:建筑工程;质量监督;管理;对策  在建筑工程中,质量监督管理是其中一项重要的工作,只有通过加强监督管理,才能确保工程项目稳定
老一辈无产阶级革命家陈毅不仅是文武双全的儒将,也是一位出色的外交家。他一身正气,刚正不阿,不畏强权,为新中国的外交事业呕心沥血,殚精竭虑,作出了杰出的贡献。 Chen Yi,
有人说,这个世界有无数的墙;有人则说,这个世界有无数的门;又有人说,这个世界是由无数隔膜的墙和沟通的门组成的。  其实,究竟是墙还是门,不过在一念之间。把墙推倒也许有些困难,但只要在墙上打个洞,外面的世界就一清二楚,明明白白,简单得很了。人与人之间,总是刻意搞得挺复杂,互相提防,很多误会和争端皆源于此。  据说,著名航海家库克船长率船队到达大西洋中央时,看到一个奇怪的现象:海面上空出现了一个庞大鸟