“救命啊!救命啊!”一声接 一声的呼救,凄厉而恐怖。 2000年12月 25日 21时35分,洛阳市火警调度指挥中心接到东都商厦火警电话。3分钟后,市消防支队三中队20余各官兵分乘3辆消防车率先到达火场。 由于报警迟缓,三中队官兵到达时,整个商厦已被浓烟包裹,
“Help! Help!” One by one cry for help, mournful and terrifying. At 21:35 on December 25, 2000, Luoyang City Fire Dispatching Command Center received a call from East Capital Commercial Building. 3 minutes later, the city fire brigade Squadron more than 20 officers and men by three fire engines first arrived at the scene. Due to sluggish alarm, when the three squadrons arrived, the entire commercial building had been wrapped in smoke.