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半导体抽运碱金属蒸气激光器(DPAL)是一种具有广阔应用前景的激光器,近年来发展迅速。使用碱金属铷所需要的中心波长为780nm的半导体激光器线阵作抽运源,采用平面衍射光栅搭建Littrow外腔将线宽压窄至0.13nm,并使用斩波器将半导体激光变为脉冲输出形式。采用透镜组合对窄线宽半导体激光进行光束扭转整形,整形后光斑近似为方形。半导体激光经线宽压窄和光束整形后,被聚焦进铷蒸气泡,泡内充入79kPa甲烷作为缓冲气体。控制铷蒸气泡温度为145℃,注入谐振腔的抽运光峰值功率为最高13W时,获得了峰值功率2.8W的线偏振铷激光输出,光-光转换效率达21%。 Semiconductor pumping alkali metal vapor laser (DPAL) is a laser with broad application prospects, has developed rapidly in recent years. Using a laser diode array with a center wavelength of 780 nm that is required for alkali metal rubidium as a pumping source, a flat diffraction grating is used to construct a Littrow external cavity to narrow the linewidth to 0.13 nm, and a chopper is used to convert the semiconductor laser into a pulse output form. The lens combination is used to perform beam torsion shaping on a narrow linewidth semiconductor laser, and the shaped spot is approximately square after being shaped. Semiconductor laser beam by a narrow width and beam shaping, was focused into rubidium vapor bubbles, bubble filled with 79kPa methane as a buffer gas. When the temperature of the rubidium vapor bubble was controlled at 145 ℃ and the peak pumping power of the cavity was 13W, the linear polarized rubidium laser with the peak power of 2.8W was obtained. The light-to-light conversion efficiency was 21%.
摘 要:中等职业学校学困生的数量相对较多,其转化工作更困难也更重要。本文从调查摸底,掌握情况;科学管理,因材施教;情感投入,耐心细致;家校联系,形成合力等四个方面论述了中职学校学困生的转化工作。  关键词:学困生;转化;中职学校;情感  中等职业学校招收的学生基础相对薄弱,学习积极性不高,上进心不强,长此以往,就形成了许多学困生。对于这些学生,如果按照普通的教育教学方法要求他们,往往收效甚微。针对