Influence of CO_2 Concentration on Adsorption Behavior of ~(99)Tc in Clay Under Hypoxic Conditions

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengying
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Under hypoxic conditions,using the Beishan groundwater the influence of the CO2 concentration on the adsorption behavior of 99Tc in the Longdong clay was studied by batch method.Meanwhile,the buffering effect of clay rocks on the pH value of aqueous solution at different CO2 concentrations was discussed.The adsorption behavior of 99Tc on clay at different initial pH values was also researched. Under hypoxic conditions, using the Beishan groundwater the influence of the CO2 concentration on the adsorption behavior of 99Tc in the Longdong clay was studied by batch method. McE., while the buffering effect of clay rocks on the pH value of aqueous solution at different CO2 concentrations was discussed. adsorption behavior of 99Tc on clay at different initial pH values ​​also also researched.
目的制备苦参素磷脂复合物并对其体外抗乙肝病毒活性进行评价。方法利用四氢呋喃作为反应溶剂,苦参素及磷脂溶于溶媒中,真空除去有机溶剂得苦参素磷脂复合物。并以2.2.15 cel
目前世界上最黑的材料是碳纳米管丛。在这种材料中,碳纳米管像庄稼一样密密麻麻地垂直排布在某个表面上,当光照射进来时,就“迷失”在黑乎乎的“丛林”中。实验显示,它能吸收掉99.9999%的外来光线,堪称黑家伙之最。  但是你知道吗?这个黑家伙随时可以变作一面闪亮的镜子,而你要做的,不过是在其表面轻轻一捋。  最近,加拿大一位科学家用钨棒在毛茸茸的碳纳米管丛表面轻轻一捋,竟然发现,捋过的地方能反射10%
As one of impurities,Th is needed to be determined for control quality of Pu product.Due to the high radioactivity and fatal toxicity of Pu,it is very difficult
Q: 嗨,苯,单看名字好像炫酷的帅哥啊。  A:大家好,我可不是炫酷,用冷酷来形容我更合适吧。  Q:何出此言呢?  A:因为有个成语可以改编成“谈苯色变”。因为我可燃、有毒,而且还是一种致癌物质。  Q:呃,听起来是有些冷酷无情,还是让大家更了解你,防患于未然吧。  A:我在常温下是一种无色、有甜味的透明液体,并具有强烈的芳香气味,这点让我很有迷惑性。苯系物一般是苯、甲苯和苯乙烯等物质的统称,是