目的 :研究成功的玻璃体视网膜术后 ,玻璃体腔再形成液内蛋白成分及含量与视网膜病变性质的关系 ,探讨气体充填对眼内组织的影响。方法 :采用双缩脲法测定样本总蛋白 ,溴甲酚绿法测定白蛋白。并与同期孔源性视网膜脱离患者前房液和视网膜下液 (SRF)对比。结果 :玻璃体腔液总蛋白含量介于SRF和前房液之间 ;并与裂孔大小和取液次数呈显著相关 (r1=0 81 ,P <0 0 1 ,r2 =-0 63 ,P<0 0 5) ;巨大裂孔显著高于其它病种 (P <0 0 1 ) ;首次取液显著高于二次以上者 (P <0 0 5) ,而A/G比值渐增高。结论 :成功的玻璃体切割术后早期再形成液既不同于前房液 ,也不同于SRF ;术后眼内液蛋白含量较高 ,气液交换可减少其蛋白成份和含量 ,气体充填不会破坏眼内屏障。
OBJECTIVE: To study the relationship between the composition and content of protein in the vitreous cavity remodeling fluid and the nature of retinopathy after successful vitreoretinal surgery and to explore the effect of gas filling on intraocular tissues. Methods: Total protein was determined by biuret method and albumin was determined by bromocresol green method. And with the same period of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in patients with fluid and subretinal fluid (SRF) contrast. Results: The total protein content in vitreous cavity was between SRF and anterior chamber fluid and was significantly correlated with the size of the fissures and the number of taking fluids (r1 = 0 81, P <0.01, r2 = -063, P <0 (P <0.01). The amount of huge hole was significantly higher than that of the second disease (P <0 05), but the ratio of A / G was gradually increased. CONCLUSIONS: Successful reconstructive fluid after vitrectomy is different from SRF in the early stage of vitrectomy. Postoperative intraocular fluid protein content is high. Gas-liquid exchange can reduce its protein content and content. Gas filling will not be damaged Intraocular barrier.