中国建筑学会地震工程学术委员会1981年年会于11月24日至27日在江苏省无锡市举行。来自全国各地的近八十名代表和地震工程学术委员会委员出席了会议。中国建筑学会副理事长兼秘书长金瓯卜同志出席了会议并在开幕时讲了话。 会议着重交流了抗震设计方法和农村建筑抗震方面的科研成果和经验,并对1982年的学
The 1981 Annual Meeting of the Academic Committee of the Earthquake Engineering Committee of the Chinese Architectural Society was held in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province from November 24th to 27th. Nearly 80 representatives from all parts of the country and members of the Academic Committee of Earthquake Engineering attended the meeting. Comrade Jin Yib, deputy chairman and secretary-general of the Chinese Architectural Society, attended the meeting and delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. The meeting focused on the exchange of seismic design methods and scientific achievements and experiences in the field of earthquake resistance in rural buildings, and the study in 1982