棕榈树作为一种经济树种在长江沿岸及长江以南栽培较广泛。由于其抗寒性较差,在山东省南部的微山湖区以往多是盆栽室内越冬,作为居室和庭院的观叶植物来栽培。为扩大栽培范围,丰富微山湖区绿化树种资源,美化湖区环境,从 1982年起先后几次引进种子及苗木,现将引种情况初报
Palm trees, as an economic tree species, are cultivated more widely along the banks of the Yangtze River and south of the Yangtze River. Because of its poor cold resistance in the Weishanhu area in southern Shandong Province in the past mostly winter over potted plants, as the living room and garden foliage plants to cultivate. In order to expand the cultivation range, enrich the resources of afforestation tree species in Weishan Lake area and beautify the environment of the lake area, several seed and seedlings have been introduced successively since 1982,