英国伦敦维多利亚艾伯特博物院(Victoria and Albert Mu- seum,简称V&A),始建于1857年,因其丰富的馆藏或为世界上规模最大的艺术设计博物馆,也是英国第二大国立博物馆。自建馆之初,V&A就有关注服装的传统,多年来,不仅收藏了自17世纪以来各历史时期的服装服饰,尤其是欧洲各大时装中心最具影响力和前瞻性的作品,更是多次举办各种服装主题的静态展,在时尚业界赢得良好口碑。世界最有影响力的时装设计大师Vivienne
The Victoria and Albert Musseum (V&A) was founded in 1857 in London, England, because of its rich collection or the largest art and design museum in the world. It is also Britain’s second largest national museum. Since the beginning of the museum, V&A has had a tradition of paying attention to clothing. Over the years, V&A has not only collected clothes and clothing from various historical periods since the 17th century, especially the most influential and forward-looking works of European fashion centers. The static exhibition of various costume themes was held many times, winning a good reputation in the fashion industry. The world’s most influential fashion designer Vivienne