一 两难选择的精神困境《离骚》的诗学机制,具有非常精美的内在旋律感。受青于女 ,陈词于帝舜之后,心理逻辑由壅塞趋向疏通,须有日驰万里的昆仑行加以发散;而浮游求女,屡受挫折之后,心理逻辑由奔放趋向敛抑,不能不在灵氛占卜、巫咸降神中疏导迷惑。这就形成了由女
One or two difficult to choose the mental predicament “Lisao” poetic mechanism, with a very beautiful sense of intrinsic melody. After being sentenced to death by the daughter of God, the logic of the logic is obstructed by the tendency of congestion. There is a need to disperse the Kunlun line, which runs thousands of miles into the sky. After soliloquing in soliloquy, the psychological logic tends to be restrained by the unrestrained direction. Emotional divination, Wu Xian salivating deafness in the confusion. This formed by the female