自从20世纪70年代发明血糖仪,可用一滴毛细血管血快速测定血糖以来,糖尿病患者的血糖监测在临床上逐步成为可能。血糖仪测定手指毛细血管血糖与应用生化仪器测定静脉血糖相比有如下优点:①操作简便,需要血量非常少:静脉血糖测定需要患者到医院进行静脉穿刺采血,无菌操作比较复杂,采血量最少也需1 ml,患者有一些痛苦;毛细血管血糖
Since the invention of a blood glucose meter in the 1970s, rapid blood glucose measurement using a drop of capillary blood has enabled the clinical monitoring of glucose monitoring in diabetic patients. Blood glucose meter finger capillary blood glucose and biochemical determination of venous blood glucose compared with the following advantages: ① easy to operate, requires very little blood: venous blood glucose measurement requires patients to the hospital for venipuncture blood collection, aseptic operation is more complex, blood volume At least 1 ml is needed, and the patient has some pain; capillary blood glucose