同志们 :在本届修志工作进入尾声之际 ,在国家西部大开发重大战略全面启动实施之时 ,我们在这里召开自治区地方志第四次工作会议 ,大家共聚一堂 ,认真总结 1996年第三次工作会议以来我区修志工作的经验 ,研究部署今后的工作任务 ,表彰修志工作中的先进集体和先进个人 ,探讨研究
Comrades: At the very conclusion of the work of commemorating the revision of the current state, when the major strategy of the grand western development of our country was fully implemented and implemented, we held the fourth working conference of the local people’s magazines here and we all gathered together to conscientiously sum up the third work in 1996 Since the meeting, I have learned from the work experience of Chi district, studied the deployment of future tasks, commended the advanced collectives and advanced individuals in the work of Chi Chi, and discussed the research