废止“收容法” 2003年中国法治建设中最令公众振奋的成果之一也许便是(《城市流浪乞讨人员收容遣送办法》的废止。由于媒体的报道、一群公民的热忱呼吁再加上新一届政府的开明果断,孙志刚死亡事件没有止于对几个相关干部和凶手的处罚,而是颠覆了一种不适应时代要求的制度。但是,一个本意是对因生活所迫而流浪乞讨于城市的人员提供人道救济帮助的条例,在20多年的执行过程中,为什么逐步演变为针对流动人口和弱势群体的苛法?这是孙志刚事件留给我们整个社会的一个余音绕梁、挥之不去的重大质疑。
Abolition of the “Shelter Law” Perhaps one of the most encouraging public developments in the rule of law in China in 2003 was the abolition of the “Measures for City’s Housing and Repatriation of Beggars.” Due to media coverage, a group of citizens called for a new one The enlightened decisiveness of the government, Sun Zhigang’s death does not stop the punishment of several cadres and murderers, but subverts a system that does not meet the requirements of the times.However, one of the original intention is to walk because of life and vagrant begging in the city Of the humanitarian relief aid provided by the staff, why has it gradually evolved into a harsh law and order for migrants and vulnerable groups in the course of more than 20 years of implementation? This is an unrelenting and unrelenting move left by the Sun Zhigang incident to our entire community question.