The pollution control in China’s pesticidemanufacture industry has been causingmore and more stress in recent years.Acertain progresses have been witnessedwith government’s continuously increasedinput and stricter regulations andmanagement,as well as pesticides mak-ers’ continuous effort in renovating theirpollution control technologies and con-structing new wastes treatment facilities.Nevertheless the high input and poor ef-fectiveness are still the bottleneck forcontrolling pollution in the pesticide in-dustry while most pesticide makers alsoreckon the pollution control problem as abig barrier for them to expand their pro-duction and business,Amid the global fi-
The pollution control in China’s pesticidemanufacture industry has been causedmore and more stress in recent years. Asertain progresses have been witnessedwith government’s continuously increasedinput and stricter regulations andmanagement, as well as pesticides mak-ers’ continuous effort in renovating theirpollution control technologies and con-structing new wastes treatment facilities. convinced the high input and poor ef-fectiveness are still the bottleneck forcontrolling pollution in the pesticide in-dustry while most pesticide makers alsoreckon the pollution control problem as abig barrier for them to expand their pro-duction and business, Amid the global fi-