碳纤维单向布与配套树脂材料是加固维修钢筋混凝土结构的新材料、新技术。在北京北四环路健翔立交桥改建中 ,为使原盖梁设计荷载由汽车 - 15级提高为汽车 -超 2 0级 ,采用了该技术进行加固补强。主要介绍该桥采用的材料性能与施工工艺等
Carbon fiber unidirectional cloth and supporting resin material is a new material and new technology for reinforcing and repairing reinforced concrete structure. During the reconstruction of Jianxiang Overpass at Beisihuanhuan Road in Beijing, this technology was used to reinforce and reinforce the designed design of the original girt beam from automobile 15 to automobile 20. Mainly introduced the material used in the bridge performance and construction techniques