提档升级谋发展 谱写兰台新篇章——连云港市烟草专卖局连云港市烟草专卖局(公司)档案工作星级创建之路

来源 :档案与建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LOVEmayicomein
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连云港市烟草专卖局(公司)成立于1983年,一直高度重视档案建设,档案工作不断前进,硕果累累。2001年以优异成绩通过全国烟草档案管理优秀等级考评认定,2003年取得省三星级测评,2007年及2011年通过复查,2016年档案工作通过江苏省四星级测评。2017年启动全市烟草系统“1+4”星级档案创建工作,即市局机关“江苏省档案工作五星级”、四个县(区)局“江苏省档案工作四星级” Lianyungang Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (the company) was established in 1983, has always attached great importance to file construction, file work continues to advance, fruitful. In 2001, with outstanding achievements, it passed the examination of excellent grade of tobacco file management nationwide and obtained provincial three-star evaluation in 2003 and passed the review in 2007 and 2011. The file work in 2016 passed the four-star evaluation of Jiangsu Province. 2017 start the city’s tobacco system “1 +4 ” star file creation work, that is, the city bureau “Jiangsu archives work five star ”, four counties (districts) Bureau level"