注重法律形式和法律体系研究 全面揭示古代法制的面貌

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2009年是中国法律史学会成立三十周年。为促进法律史学科的发展,春节前夕,《法学研究》编辑部邀请部分在京的法律史学知名学者召开了一个专题座谈会。我国法律史学界老一辈学者张晋藩、蒲坚、张希坡、刘新、韩延龙、高恒、刘海年、邱远猷,以及部分中青年学者参加了座谈会。大家围绕如何在当前形势下进一步促进法律史学研究这个主题进行了积极的发言。会后,本刊编辑部以同样的主题约请京外的一些学者发表了书面意见。以下就是根据这些会议发言和书面意见整理的笔谈稿。笔谈涉及的范围非常广泛。既有回顾历史、端正学风、提高认识等方面的内容,也有开辟新领域、使用新方法、搜集新材料等方面的建议。其中心是如何在当前法律史学研究的物质条件和外部环境相对富足和宽松,但研究工作却无法深入的情况下,振作精神,克服困难,开创新局面,真正繁荣我国的法律史学。我们要创造中国特色社会主义理论,推进中国特色社会主义法治建设,都必须立足于中国的国情,符合中国的历史传统。从这个意义上说,中国法律史学是可以大有作为的。本刊今后还将根据情况,对中国法律史学发展中的一些突出的问题,举行专门的笔谈,为学者提供发表意见的机会,深入和切实地推动这门学科的发展。 2009 is the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Society of Legal History. In order to promote the development of the law history discipline, on the eve of the Spring Festival, the editorial department of Law Studies invited some well-known scholars of legal history in Beijing to hold a symposium. Zhang Jinfan, Pu Jian, Zhang Xipo, Liu Xin, Han Yanlong, Gao Heng, Liu Hainian, Qiu Yuanyuan, as well as some young and middle-aged scholars from China’s jurisprudence field of history, attended the symposium. We all made positive statements on how to further promote the study of legal history under the current circumstances. After the meeting, editorial staff of this magazine invited some scholars outside Beijing to submit written opinions on the same subject. The following is a written version of the speech based on these speeches and written comments. Written conversation covers a very wide range. Both reviewing history, correct style of study, raising awareness and other aspects, but also open up new areas, the use of new methods to collect new materials and other aspects of the proposal. At the core of the study, how can the center of the legal historiography be prosperous in the legal historiography of our country when the material conditions and the external environment of the study of legal history are relatively affluent and relaxed, but the research work can not be further developed? If we want to create a theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics and promote the construction of a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, we must base ourselves on China’s national conditions and in keeping with China’s historical tradition. In this sense, Chinese legal history can do a great job. In the future, the journal will also hold special written speeches on some prominent issues in the development of Chinese legal history, providing opportunities for scholars to express their opinions and deepen and effectively promote the development of this discipline.
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