随着我国加入世贸组织的实现以及我国社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善,我国的图书出版业必将进行重组和变革,以便完成与国际出版业的接轨。虽然我国目前的图书出版管理仍然很严格,但根据我国加入世贸组织的承诺,我国在入世一年后将有步骤地对外开放图书零售业务,入世三年后将全面放开图书的批发业务。这对我国各出版社来说意味着将面对更为激烈的市场竞争。 从目前我国大部分出版社的分工上来说,图书的营销应该是发行部门的事。在计划经济时代,即使是发行部门,对市场营销也重视不够,更谈不上编辑人员市场营销观念的培养了。随着我国图书出版业改
With the realization of China’s accession to the WTO and the continuous improvement of China’s socialist market economic system, the book publishing industry in our country will inevitably undergo restructuring and transformation in order to complete its integration with the international publishing industry. Although our country’s current books and publishing management are still very strict, according to our country’s commitment to join the WTO, our country will open the book retail business step by step one year after China’s accession to the WTO. After China’s accession to the WTO, the wholesale business of books will be fully liberalized. This means to all publishing houses in our country that we will face more intense market competition. From the current division of labor in most of our country, the marketing of books should be the issue of the department. In the era of the planned economy, even the issuance department, not enough emphasis on marketing, let alone cultivate the editorial staff marketing concept. With the reform of China’s book publishing industry