第一部分 对外经济贸易基础知识 一、名词解释 1.关税:是进出口商品经过一国关境时,由政府设置的海关向进出口商征收的一种税。 2.法定检验:是根据国家规定,对某些进出口商品实行强制性检验。 3.溢短装条款:即规定卖方交货时允许多交或少交合同数量的百分之几。 4.跟单托收:是指附有货运单据在内的汇票(跟单汇票)的托收,也有不带汇票仅包括货运单据在内的商业单据的托收。
The first part of the basic knowledge of foreign economic and trade I. Glossary 1. Tariff: import and export goods through the customs territory of a country, the government set by the customs import and export tax levy a tax. 2. Statutory inspection: According to the state regulations, some mandatory inspection of import and export commodities. 3. Spill shorts clause: that is, the provisions of the seller to pay more or less to pay the number of contracts with the few percent. 4. Documentary Collection: Refers to the collection of bills of exchange (with bills of exchange) with the shipping documents, but also the collection of commercial documents without bills of lading only including shipping documents.