古典文学名著从来都是电影这门新艺术的重要创作源泉之一,许多著名作家的作品不断地、不只一次地被搬上银幕,创造出了不少同原著一样不朽的电影艺术杰作。然而象列夫·托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》这样卷帙浩繁、极其复杂而深刻的文学巨著,却很少有人敢于问津。因此,由美国的金·维多导演的美、意合拍两集影片《战争与和平》(1956年)和由苏联的邦达尔丘克导演的四集影片《战争与和平》(1966—1967)可以说是近代电影史上两次值得注意的重要的尝试。他们的改编经验是很有借鉴价值的。 这里我们选登了三篇有关的文章: 第一篇是金·维多谈他在改编这部小说时对若干重要场面的处理过程。文章写得十分具体,但又不仅是一般的叙事。 第二篇是尼·托尔切诺娃对邦达尔丘克的访问记,在这里,邦达尔丘克谈到了这部伟大史诗的划时代意义、精神实质及其哲学和道德的内涵,谈到了改编的原则以及对主题思想、人物性格、情节构筑等具体处理。 第三篇是这部苏联影片的另一编剧、摄影师、美工师以及主要演员谈他们的创作经验和体会。
Classical literature has always been one of the important creative sources of the new art of cinema. Many famous writers’ works have been constantly and more than once being put on the screen, creating many masterpiece of film art that is as immortal as the original. However, as Lev Tolstoy’s “war and peace” so vast, extremely complex and profound literary monographs, but few people dare to dwell on. Therefore, the two series of films “War and Peace” (1956) directed by Kim Victoria of the United States and the four-part film “War and Peace” (1966-1967) directed by the Soviet Union, Bondarteuch, It can be said that two notable important attempts in the history of modern film. Their adaptation experience is very valuable. Here are the three articles that we have voted for: The first is King Vidor’s treatment of several important scenes in his adaptation of the novel. The article is very specific, but not just a general narrative. The second is Nicolas Torshernova’s interview with Bondalchuk, where Bondarchuk talks about the epoch-making significance, spiritual essence and philosophical and moral connotations of this great epic, talking about the adaptation The principle and the theme of thinking, character, plot construction and other specific treatment. The third is another screenwriter, photographer, artist and main actor of the Soviet film about their own creative experience and experience.