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影响因子是评价学术期刊影响力的重要指标。期刊影响因子大小与其刊载文章的质量密切相关。对2015年18家教育类中文期刊不同类型期刊的研究发现:综合类期刊与纯高教类期刊在论文研究范式和研究领域的偏好上存在明显差异。对刊文合作网络的研究发现:学科合作结构模式主要分为“星型模式”“团簇模式”和“多分支模式”三种,影响因子最高的6种期刊大多倾向于教育学科为核心的“星型模式”;地域合作模式呈现出单中心模式、多中心模式、无中心模式三种模式。对期刊影响因子关联因素的研究发现:论文的显性特征,如作者的院校层级、作者职称和论文所受的基金资助状况与期刊影响因子呈显著正向关联。实证研究范式的发文比例与期刊影响因子显著正相关。论文的合作性特征对期刊影响因子的影响作用不明显。本研究的结论对理解我国高等教育研究领域内期刊影响力差异的来源,改善论文与期刊的双边匹配质量有着积极意义。 Impact factor is an important index to evaluate the influence of academic journals. The size of journal impact factors is closely related to the quality of the articles published. The study of different types of journals in 18 Chinese education journals in 2015 found that there is a significant difference between general journals and pure higher education journals in their research paradigms and research preferences. The research on the journal cooperation networks found that the disciplinary structure patterns mainly divided into three types: “star pattern”, “cluster pattern” and “multi-branch pattern”, with the six most influential factors In the discipline of education as the core of the “star model”; regional cooperation model presents a single center mode, multi-center mode, non-central mode of the three modes. The research on the correlation factors of periodical impact factors found that the explicit characteristics of the thesis, such as the author’s college level, the author’s title and the status quo of the funds received by the dissertation, are positively correlated with the periodical impact factors. There was a significant positive correlation between the proportion of articles published in the empirical research paradigm and the influential factors of periodicals. The effect of the thesis’s cooperation features on the influential factors of journals is not obvious. The conclusions of this study have a positive meaning to understand the sources of differences in the influence of periodicals in the field of higher education research and to improve the bilateral matching quality of theses and periodicals.
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